FAQ Registration banner


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You can register via the registration form.

First step of Registration is for free!

After first registration step, you can decide to proceed to subscribe a period to access to repair information

All period access costs are listed on Paragraph 2. of Service Information portal available free of charge after first registration.

Free of charge pages are immediately available after first registration step

Access to repair information are available after payment confirmation.

You can choose your own preferred login name during registration. After completing the registration, you will receive an initial password. At first login you must replace this password with your own preferred password.

In case of expiration of payment period, you can maintain your credential and proceed to buy a new period for payment service.

No, you can’t. The login name and password is provided per user. You must keep these credentials private and you cannot share them with any other person, within or outside your company. The Independent Operator legal representative can request new login names for the other users within your company free of charge.